woensdag 4 augustus 2010

ISO/PC 236 increases consensus on ISO 21500 / 24 juli 2010

Een bericht van de website PMforum (http://www.pmforum.org/blogs/news/2010/07/ISOPCincreasesconsensusonISOnewinternational.html)

PMFORUM Breaking News

Breaking News in the Project Management World

Saturday, July 24, 2010

ISO/PC 236 increases consensus on ISO 21500, new international project management standard; adjourns Rio de Janeiro meeting

Reported by Jouko Vaskimo in Rio de Janeiro

The Project Committee (PC) 236 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has adjourned the meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, after a week of intense work on ISO 21500, the new international standard on project management. ISO/PC 236 was able to achieve a substantial increase in consensus regarding the structure and content of the standard.

Following a ballot in early 2010, in which each national standards institute participating in the ISO/PC 236 work had the right to cast a vote, the circulation of the draft as a Draft International Standard (DIS) was approved. However, many of those voting in favour also raised comments on the Committee Draft. These comments were mostly resolved during the meeting in Rio although some work on the glossary remains to be completed. Once all comments have been resolved, and the Editing Committee complete their final review of the draft, a final decision on whether the revised draft document is officially submitted to ISO will be made later by Mr Miles Shepherd, the chairman of the Project Committee.

Mr Miles Shepherd, International Advisor and Correspondent for PMForum in the UK, welcomed warmly the new Participating (P) ISO/PC 236 members: SON (Nigeria), INTECO (Costa Rica), EOS (Egypt), IRAM (Argentina), and UNMZ (Czech Republic). This broadening of participation indicates the importance attached to the Standard. Mr Shepherd was pleased to see the substantial improvement in the overall quality of the draft and remarked that the Participating Members had worked very hard to incorporate the comments raised at the DIS vote. He felt that the structure and content of the standard had improved as a result of the work in Rio, and looks forward to the work proceeding to the DIS phase as soon possible. Entering the DIS phase is an important milestone in the development of a new standard, as this a major step towards the acceptance of a new ISO standard. Mr Shepherd noted that proceeding to the DIS phase quickly is necessary in order to comply with the intention to publish the new standard officially in late 2012.

Mr Shepherd extended his personal and ISO/PC 236 gratitude to the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas and A Escola de Negócios da PUC-Rio for hosting the event. Mr. Shepherd can be contacted at miles.shepherd@msp-ltd.co.uk . (photos courtesy Jouko Vaskimo)

ISO 21500 builds on the existing standards and works at the national level. It is intended to be applicable to organizations of all sizes and sectors and will be designed for relative newcomers to project management, and as a reminder for the more experienced. At present, delegations of experts selected by the national standards institutes of 34 countries are participating in the work as P (participating) members, with another 9 countries participating as O (observing) members. There is one recognized liaison participating in the ISO/PC 236 work; International Project Management Association (IPMA).

ISO/PC 236 work has been organized in to three Working Groups, each one concentrating on a given area of the standard. Working Group 1 - Terminology (WG1) is chaired by Mrs Becky Wilson, from ANSI and past chair of the PMI Board of Directors with Mr Robert Hierholtz (a PMI Volunteer Leader) from France as Secretary. Working Group 2 - Processes (WG2) is chaired by Mr Reinhard Wagner from Germany, a Board Member of IPMA-Germany, with Mr. Walter Bowman, PMI Fellow, from ANSI as Secretary. Working Group 3 - Informative Guidance (WG3) is chaired by Mr. Joseph Alba from BSI and a Board Member of the Association for Project Management, with Mr. Nigel Blampied from ANSI as secretary.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards.

ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 159 countries, one member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system. ISO is a non-governmental organization that forms a bridge between the public and private sectors. On the one hand, many of its member institutes are part of the governmental structure of their countries, or are mandated by their government. On the other hand, other members have their roots uniquely in the private sector, having been set up by national partnerships of industry associations.

Therefore, ISO enables a consensus to be reached on solutions that meet both the requirements of business and the broader needs of society. For further information, please navigate to www.iso.org.

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